Workshops will vary depending on the grade level (there are unique workshops for 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade). The workshops are meant to build on each other; here is what UC Davis EAOP offers:
8th grade
Why go to College?
This interactive workshop explores the many benefits of going to college after high school.
High School Class Selection
An introductory session about the importance of doing well in high school in order to be eligible for most colleges, and what classes to take is covered. Important California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) course requirements known as “a-g” is discussed.
Budget Activity: The Game of Life
In this interactive workshop, students are given a small taste of what it is like to be responsible for paying for housing, food, transportation, and other things. A focus on the economic benefits of earning a college degree is discussed.
Transition to High School
In this workshop, students are asked to reflect back on what they learned about themselves in middle school, as well as to look forward to high school. There is a focus on discussing the students’ fears about high school and the things students may be looking forward to in the next four years.
Campus Visit
Pending budget, students are invited for a campus visit. Campus visits usually include a student panel, tour, and lunch in the campus dining commons. There is no cost to the student.
9th grade
Introduction to EAOP
A review of what was covered during 8th grade, and an overview of what lies ahead to lay the foundation for a successful year in high school.
College Preparation and Options
An informational workshop focusing on an overview of the higher education options in California, including the California State University (CSU), University of California (UC), California Community College (CCC), Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), and technical/vocational education. Eligibility requirements, cost, and degree programs are discussed.
High School Success
This interactive workshop features an exploration of the students learning styles, time-management, and other tips for high school success.
Staying on Track - Spring
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements and opportunities after completing their first semester of high school.
Career/Major Exploration
This group workshop is intended to help students think about the difference between a career and a job, as well as how their strengths and interests may translate into a career, and what some of the possibilities are.

10th Grade
College Pathways
This workshop is a review and emphasis of the importance of completing the A-G requirements, and what it looks like to be competitively eligible for university admissions.
Staying on Track - Fall
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements and opportunities in 9th grade, and making sure that the students are enrolled in the right classes for 10th grade.
Building your Academic Portfolio
This workshop explores the role of extracurricular activities in context with a students’ academic achievements. An interactive college mock admissions session provides a platform for students to discuss what an academic and extracurricular profile means from a college admission perspective.
Staying on Track - Spring
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements and opportunities after completing their first semester of 10th grade.
Preferences in College Campuses
What should you consider when choosing a college? Which college is the “best”? This interactive workshop explores these questions and many more.
11th grade
Staying on Track - Fall
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements opportunities from 9th and 10th grade.
Facts about College Entrance Exams
An informational session about the exams required by most four-year college universities, how to register for them, and some tips about how to do well.
Financing your Education
Money to pay for college is a big concern for students and families. This informational workshop discusses the cost of attending college, the types of aid available, and dispels some myths out there about financial aid.
Staying on Track - Spring
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements and opportunities after completing their first semester of junior year.
Preparing for Senior Year
This informational session provides tips and encouragement about how to prepare for senior year, including budgeting for senior year expenses, applying for scholarships, and working on a personal statement for college admissions and scholarship applications.
12th grade
Staying on Track – Fall
A one-on-one Individual Academic Plan (IAP) session to go over the student’s achievements and opportunities during their high school career so far. There is a special focus on college eligibility and options after high school during this session.
Applying to Colleges and Universities
An interactive workshop about how to apply for college; which websites to go to, how to get a fee waiver (if the student qualifies), and which special programs offered by colleges students should be aware of.
Financial Aid
An informational session about how to apply for financial aid, including an overview of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Cal Grant.
Gearing up for College
This robust workshop covers as much as possible about getting ready for life after high school, including the responsibilities that come when you turn 18, understanding the financial aid award letter, community college transfer programs, and more.